Ah Heng, who has been unemployed for a long time, finally finds a job as a security guard. Unfortunately, he is assigned to work at a haunted building. Even after hearing numerous horror stories about the place, he still has to proceed with his patrolling duty despite his fears. He encounters a spooky kid at the staircase during midnight and has no choice but takes the notoriously haunted lift instead, unwittingly entering into the spiritual realm…失业已久的阿Heng好不容易获聘成为保安人员,却被派送到著名的猛鬼工业大厦执行保安职务。阿Heng听说了诡异的故事后,战战兢兢前往巡逻,却在楼梯间遇到匪夷所思的小孩在半夜出没,被吓得无奈进入传说中的闹鬼电梯,结果真的“很幸运”让他进入到意想不到的迷离境界……
#MrZhousGhostStories #JobHaunting #周公讲鬼 #行行都撞鬼
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